Limited Edition Bowstring

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Central America

The Coffee
Central American coffees can have so much wild variety. From the nutty earthiness of a premium Nicaraguan, to the delicate, floral, and compex of the very finest geisha in Panama, Central America pretty much has it all. Costa Rica coffees can be super tropical in nature with mango and pineapple. Our coffees from El Salvador have luscious plum fruit including the complex tannins. 

The Story
Well, we don’t really have a specific coffee from a chosen Central American country. Very often, we do have coffee from our friends, the Mena family in El Salvador, but the rest of the year, we like to mi it up a bit. The introduction of coffee throughout the Americas is a storied past with, intrigue, smuggling, pirates, and high-finance. Today, coffee farms battle gangs, crime, and a falling commodity price that makes it most difficult for the producers to provide this amazing crop.

The Roast
As the coffees from the area are so unique, different, and special, so too does the care of them in the roaster. Whereas our coffee from El Salvador demands a light and delicate approach, a 2100 meter Guatemala Huehue will take all the heat you can give it. Typically, our Central American coffees are roasted to the point that 1st crack is just ending. This is a rather light roast but well developed. We balance the origin character and the natural sweetness of the cup with a wonderfully balanced body and aroma.

Bridge Coffee Co. Recommended Brewing Instructions

  • Pour-Over: 
    • 340g 205f H20 | 28g coffee
    • Medium Fine Grind (Table Salt)
      • Medium Coarse for Chemex
    • 40gm H2O for bloom 
    • At 0:30 seconds, pour 200g H2O
    • At 3:00 minutes, pour 100g H2O
    • 4:00 total brew time
  • French Press
    • 32oz 205f H2O | 56g coffee
    • Coarse Grind (Kosher Salt)
    • Pour enough water to cover the coffee and swirl
    • Pour the remaining water and cover with the filter plunger and lid
    • Steep for 4 minutes and plunge
  • Espresso (Generic!)
    • 18g coffee
    • Very Fine Sand Grind
    • 50g Yield
    • 0:27 seconds
  • Aeropress ('Inverted' Method)
    • 220g 195f H2O | 22g coffee
    • Medium Fine Grind (Table Salt)
    • Pull plunger until almost out of the brew chamber
    • Pour enough water to cover the coffee and swirl
    • Add the remaining H2O and swirl
    • Wet the filter in cap and attach
    • Invert the assembled Aeropress and place on your serving vessel
    • Pull slightly on the plunger being careful not to pull it out
    • Steep for 2:30 minutes
    • Press for 0:20 seconds
    • Dilute to taste