Is America's Best Cold Brew Coffee made in Yuba City, CA?
Here at Bridge Coffee Co., we love our cold brew and have put together the winning combination. Just to prove it, we are competing with the best roasters in the US to find out who has America's Best Cold Brew.
Is America's best cold brew coffee made in Yuba City?
Well, we are going to find out October 13-15 in Portland, OR at CoffeeFest!
Bridge Coffee Co. was selected as one of the 16 finalists to compete head-to-head in the Nitro Division for the best cold brew in America. We would have to say, our cold brew is pretty amazing, and our customers would agree. Now we get to share it with the United States!
For both the Nitro and Still divisions within the competitions, there are only two ingredients allowed. Coffee and water. That's it.
Our Crossmember Cold brew is specifically blended for cold-brewed coffee.
This selection of coffees melded so perfectly for cold-brewing. This cold brew is a very refreshing, delightful cup of citrus, sparkling grapefruit, and balanced with the smoothness, full-body and sweetness of almond. However, when brewed hot, it is a sour, tart, acidic smack-down punch. Due to the method of cold-brewing, all of the bright acidity is muted and you are treated to a creamy, delicious, & smooth cup.
Where in Yuba City can you get enjoy such amazingness?
BRIDGE COFFEE CO. has purchased Clark Ave Coffee and have moved the roastery inside the facilities there. With that, you can enjoy the most amazing drinks on the bar at Clark Ave Coffee made with Bridge Coffee Co. coffee! We have the Crossmember Coldbrew coffee on Nitro-Tap ready to serve at 36f. Watch, as it has the Guinness-Effect, with cascading beautiful bubbles of nitrogen in your pint glass.
101 Clark Ave., Yuba City, CA 95901
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